• img info@swiftsf.com
  • img 0800 038 7060

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Semi- Independent Supported Living


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Our Services

Semi- Independent Supported Living

At Swift SF, we believe that providing a roof is just the beginning: Our accommodation is a home, and our services are a foundation for assisting young people through the transition from adulthood and independence. Our growing relationship with commissioning local authorities are well maintained and ongoing partnership work with local agencies ensures a well-informed, integrated approach. Target User Group: Young people aged 16-18 who require a moderate – intensive level of assistance to prepare them with the emotional, practical and academic competencies to achieve independence: We are committed to assisting and supporting families and reciprocate by appreciating and rewarding our carers. This ensures that our clients receive the highest quality care services possible.We've helped thousands of families make educated decisions about long-term care, and there are many good reasons to choose us:

Looked After Children (LAC)

Care Leavers

UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children)

Young people exhibiting emotional and behavioural issues

Young people vulnerable to CSE and/or criminal exploitation

Choice over how you live life

Our Safeguarding lead is a qualified Care Manager/social worker with many years of statutory sector experience. Swift SF has a highly committed and enthusiastic team who genuinely care for each individual young person. We use a support team approach where all the key professionals are aware of the support needs of each young person living in our accommodation. At Swift SF our initial focus is on Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. We primarily meet the basic physical needs of our young people to create a safe secure environment. This platform enables our young people to develop relationships and begin to identify their emotional needs. As we promote independence and the opportunity for each young person to achieve, they are able to grow in self-confidence and self-awareness. Consistency promotes feelings of security and a sense of belonging, which are essential for young people in forming healthy attachments.

Our homes and programmes provide a challenging and stimulating environment where young people can learn through practical experiences. Every young person is an active participant in their own learning; staff support and engage with young people, positively reinforcing their achievements. We employ a p erson-centred approach, which empowers our young people and ensures they are at the centre of everything we do.

Our central ethos is based on pedagogic principles, working with the whole young person, recognising that each area of development is related to other areas, our approach to care and education is holistic.

Please see our homes brochures for a taste of our homes in Luton, Leicester and Nottingham.


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Established Services | Experienced Carers | Exceptional Services & Quality